Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adjusting to the rain (not)

Notice I am wearing the same thing. Well, we expected warmer weather. We are getting tons of rain, not heavy but a lot.

Jeff is frustrated since he has it in his mind we have to go to the market and purchase our food a la French. So far, we have either gotten going too late (it closes at noon) or we can't go because of the rain and we give up before our destination and get some coffee instead.

In the picture, Niko and I are relaxing in a coffee shop/bookstore ("Book and Bar") that caters to an international clientele and has announcements for conversation partners. We gotten some names but haven't called them as of yet.

Another escape strategy is food. There is is a nice restaurant next to our apartment and we decided to try it out. I had the cold salad buffet ($14) plus soda ($5.00) - wine is $3. Niko was right at our feet and no one thought it odd. Here is a picture of Jeff checking the menu of the day.

The food in general is delicious and we have been walking a lot. We also have stairs in our apartment (34 steps according to my "Rain-man"). So every time Niko has to relieve himself, we get exercise. In that interesting note, I say, au revoir.


  1. Bonjour! Must be rough having to get somewhere by NOON! Merci for the blog, we will be reading!

    Jen, Bryan, Christopher and Kai Frantz

  2. Sounds like you three are having fun!! (Don't tell Jeffrey I read your blog first!)

    Monica & Maddie
