Saturday, May 29, 2010

Elegant French women

The French women in Aix dress very well and are very pretty.   The men... well, very tight capri pants and kissing during greetings do not make them appear very manly. Appearances are deceiving, judging by the amount of couples kissing on the streets.  The look is growing on me and I am trying to talk Jeff into Capri pants, but I don't expect to have much luck.

Today we were promenading down the main street and the women were as elegant as ever. High heels and expensive get-ups made me feel slightly dowdy with my sensible shoes and comfortable pants. And then, a bird decided to bless me right in the neck area where it was visible and impossible to clean up before I got home.  The more I tried the worse the spot was.  I am going out tonight and I am wearing high heels if it kills me.


  1. Be sure and send a photo of your new heels when you go out tonight!! I'm with you in preferring sensible shoes. Have a good tennis game.


  2. Be sure and send a photo if you get Jeff to squeeze into some capris!

    Sounds like you're having a great experience.

