Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We target the aged!

Today was the most beautiful yet, so we took advantage of the balmy sunny weather to relax in an outdoor cafe--Niko too.

It seems good weather brings the talkative in the French, at least the older generation. My strategy is to find that lonely person with no life and offer him/her my scintillating conversation. It has worked and we had 3 wonderful conversations and met 4 really interesting people.

So far I met a lady in the wine business, who has a Summer home on the beach in a small town near Marseilles. She invited me to visit her town and to mention her name.

We met an older couple who were retired professionals. He had been a professor of architecture in France and in North Africa and spoke Arabic. At the end we found out their families were originally from Spain and we spoke Spanish with them.

Today we met an 87 year old lady named Jennine, (see picture on left) with all her marvels who had been an office manager for a company and had traveled all over the world including Cuba. She was a kick and we had a lot fun talking to her. She talked to us for close to an hour. We are hoping to meet up with her again.

Jeffrey is now a convert to my strategy of finding conversation partners and we roam the streets evaluating the old people's loneliness. Today, we got fooled by an old lady... it turned out she had a cell phone and was happily chatting away. Too bad!


  1. I love the comments. Keep them coming. You can comment as openId, without having to register.

  2. She looks cute.
