Friday, June 25, 2010

The Sultana goes to her castle!

After the “sultan’s wife” massage we had to rush to check out of the hotel and pick up the rental car. Jeff had been studying the directions we had gotten from Google maps and we felt relatively certain we could find our destination. We arrived at Kusadasi with little difficulty and after a few wrong turns, we found our hotel.

Club Caravanserail is a hotel built inside a 16th century castle. I had been looking forward to this stay and we were not disappointed.

Our room was full of nooks and crannies and interesting details.
The hotel has two floors. The second floor is where the rooms are. There is a large veranda that looks down onto the courtyard. The place at night looks super romantic. I still had the glow of my “sultana’s massage,” so it was not hard to feel right at home.

We promptly signed up for the Turkish Night taking place that night. We got “dressed up”—well, sort of. We went downstairs to the square courtyard that had tables set up for 400 people.
Our room name—Omlet—indicated our table seating. We were told that we could have all the drinks we wanted as well as multiple servings at the appetizer’s table. The entrée would be served later. We went to the appetizer tables and we found at least 25 dishes beautifully presented. As usual, in these occasions of super food abundance, we piled up our plates. I even threw in a chicken nugget or two designed to please the kids. I was ready to feast. One bite told me I was in for a challenge. I tried something else in my plate—same result. I went through all the tantalizing dishes and not one of them could I eat. The chicken nuggets saved the day. I went back for more chicken nuggets.
The entrée was good and the service was outstanding. I was happy.
We had a great table, the weather was perfect for outdoor dining and the company was great.

The entertainment started with an elegant lady dressed in all white playing the violin. See video for a sample of the entertainment.It was followed by several other entertainers, including folk dancers, a rhythm player, belly dancers and a female and male singer.

All were spectacular and we really enjoyed ourselves. The evening started at eight and it wasn’t over until 11:30 p. m.

It was truly a most romantic and memorable evening.

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